Notice Board

If someone is unwell, especially if you think they may be having a heart attack, even if it is in the middle of the night
If the ambulance service tells you that the defibrillator is required and you need help, ring the VETS number
One of the trained volunteers will talk to you and arrange to bring the defibrillator from the Red Lion car park and will assist until an ambulance arrives.
You only have a few minutes to save a life.
Dear All,
One of our classes created a nature guide for the area and they wanted to share this with you. Please see their letter and link to their guide below. It would be wonderful if you could let the children know what your thoughts are and how useful the guide is. You can find our Contact Page here.
Thank you,
Inneke Luitingh - Headteacher, Preston Primary VC School, Back Lane, Preston, Herts, SG4 7UJ
I am writing to you to ask you to read and use our Nature Guide and place them around Preston and on your website.
Our class has worked very hard to create our brilliant nature guide and we would love if we saw them all over Preston. This class has worked so hard on lots of projects and we would be so proud if you listen to us. This nature guide has lots of information about Preston's nature and we believe they will help visitors and locals as well!
Please listen to us and let our Nature Guide be seen and read all around Preston.
Yours sincerely,
Maple Class (Year 3 and 4)
Preston Parish Council would like to make residents aware of the process by highlighting the following points:
Planning applications are a key role of the Parish Council. It informs residents of planning applications via the Parish Council database and PNS. Brief details are posted on the Parish Council section of this website. Full details are on the Planning section of the NHDC website, including how to comment.
NHDC contact those living in adjoining properties to the application site, and others if NHDC deem it appropriate to the particular application.
Anyone can respond to NHDC regarding any planning application. Comments can only be about the specific application and must be relevant to planning law. Residents are also welcome to make their views known to the Parish Council which will incorporate them into its response, if appropriate.
Those submitting planning applications are welcome to discuss them with the Parish Council if they wish.
The NHDC consultation period is three weeks. The Parish Council has to submit any comment within this time limit. The Planning Officer decides on most applications. Some large applications go to the Planning Control Committee where NHDC Councillors make the decision.
Decisions are posted on the Parish Council section of the village website and in further detail on the NHDC website. Only the applicant has the right of appeal against the decision.
To register for the Parish Council database contact Lisa Lathane via our contact form. To register for PNS use the PNS contact Form.
Phone fraud or ‘vishing’ is when a fraudster calls pretending to be your bank, supplier, customer, internet service provider or the police. They’ll often call pretending to be from your bank, highlighting there is a problem with your accounts or online banking. They appear genuine as they’ll already have information on you.
159 is a new fraud hotline which will let you check whether a call from your bank is genuine. If you think someone is trying to trick you into handing over money or personal details……Stop, hang up and call 159 to speak directly to your bank. Call 159 if:
Someone contacts you saying they’re from your bank – even if they are not suspicious. You receive a call asking you to transfer money or make a payment – even if it seems genuine
You receive a call about a financial matter and it seems suspicious
Remember, 159 will never call you. But you can rely on 159 to get you through to your bank. If 159 doesn’t work, for any reason – You should contact your bank in the normal way, using the number on your bank card. Calling 159 will cost the same as a national rate call; usually part of the included minutes in most phone tariffs.
159 has been set up by banks and telephone companies who want to fight fraud. It’s a pilot scheme at the moment. The following banks are part of it: Barclays, Lloyds (including Halifax and Bank of Scotland), NatWest (including Royal Bank of Scotland and Ulster Bank), Santander and Starling Bank.
That covers over 70% of UK primary current account holders.
Preston Parish Neighbourhood Plan
Our Parish – Our Future – We voted YES
2019 – 2031
The journey to develop and make The Preston Parish Neighbourhood Plan is complete. It will now be used by NHDC when determining planning applications for the Parish of Preston.
To find out more, visit:
Starting from the Red Lion Pub,
a walk of approximately 4.8km / 3m and 1 hour long.
This is a circular walk starting an d finishing at the Red Lion Pub. Details and map are available as an A4 leaflet from the Red Lion Pub and on the Village Green next to the Notice Board.
Follow this link - Tatmore Hills Loop Preston - to open, print or download a copy (PDF, 573 kB).
Produced by Preston Parish Council as part of the Parish Paths Partnership,funded by Hertfordshire County Council.
Supported by the Parish Paths Partnership.
Parish Council Meeting: Thursday 17 October
Autumn Litter Pick And Green Clean – Saturday, October 26th, 10 am – 12 noon
Preston Village Society
The Preston Trust: Autumn Talk For 2024
Village Day Take 2!
The Preston Trust Committee Warmly Invite You To The AGM
- on Sunday 20th of October, at 1100 am for an 11 30am start in the Village Hall
Beds & Herts Bike ‘n’ Hike – 14th September 2024
Preston Parish Council Bottle Tombola
Harvest Supper
St Martin’s Church and All Saints’ Church Services
Letter From The Vicar
St Martin’s Church 150 Club 2024/2025
Neighbourhood Watch… Read More
Parish Council Meeting: Thursday 5 September
Preston Parish Council Bottle Tombola
Harvest Supper: Friday 20 September
Village Hall Update
Beds & Herts Bike ‘n’ Hike – 14th September 2024
The Preston News Service
News from All Saints church
Village Day and Scarecrow Trail Take 2
Village Day: Sound System And Power
July Scarecrow Trail
The Preston Trust – October Events
Preston Village Society
The Living Theatre Whitwell
The Red Lion Harvest Auction
St Martin’s Church and All Saints’ Church Services
St Martin’s Church 150 Club 2024/2025
Neighbourhood Watch… Read More
Preston Parish Council
- Bottle Tombola
- Questionnaire On Village Activities
- Consultation On Parish Councils
Postponed Village Day Saturday July 6th
Beds and Herts Historic Churches Trust – Sponsored Bike And Hike 2024
Village Day Saturday September 7
St Martin’s Church and All Saints’ Church Services
Letter From The Vicar
St Martin’s Church 150 Club 2024/2025… Read More
Preston News Service
The Preston News Service (PNS) provides fast email distribution of events and notices concerning the parish and its people. Please contact the Preston Trust, using the link at the bottom of every page, or use the following link to:
Visit the Met Office website to view the latest forecast for Hitchin
Or visit BBC Weather for the latest forecast for SG4 postcodes