April 2022

Preston Parish Council

Casual Vacancy

Preston Parish Council has a casual (temporary) vacancy for a Parish Councillor from April 2022 to May 2023. All Parish Councillors, no matter how long they have been in post, have to stand down and be re-elected at this time. The vacancy will be filled through the co-option process.

Information about the work of the Parish Council can be found on the Parish Council section of the Preston village website.

Anyone who would like to discuss the role of Parish Councillors should contact:

Margaret Trinder, Chairman of Preston Parish Council:

For further written information about role of a Parish Councillor, the co-option process, eligibility to be a Parish Councillor and an application form please contact Lisa Lathane, Clerk to Preston Parish Council:

The closing date for expressions of interest is Thursday 14 April.

Parish Council Meeting: Thursday 21 April

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Thursday 21 April at 8pm in the village hall. This will follow a detailed risk assessment to ensure everyone’s safety. Any member of the public who would like to raise an issue to be discussed at this meeting should contact the Clerk.

Numbers who can attend this meeting are limited so any member of the public who particularly needs to speak to the Parish Council must register with the Clerk prior to the meeting and be prepared to follow the safety measures which are in place. Contact details are: Lisa Lathane, Clerk to the Parish Council:

St Martin’s Church and All Saints’ Church Services

Sunday 3rd April 9.30




Holy Communion at St Martin’s

Philippians 3: 4b – 14

John 12: 1 – 8

Holy Communion at All Saints

Sunday 10th April 8am





Holy Communion at All Saints (BCP)

Holy Communion at St Martin’s

Philippians 2: 5 -11

Luke 19: 28 – 40

Sunday Praise at All Saints

Maundy Thursday

14th April

8pm Holy Communion at All Saints

with feet washing

Good Friday

15th April



Children’s activities at All Saints

Last Hour from the Cross at All Saints

17th April

Easter Day





All age Holy Communion at St Martin’s

1 Corinthians 15: 19 – 26

Luke 24: 1 – 12

All age Holy Communion at All Saints

24th April 9.30am




Holy Communion at St Martin’s

Revelation 1: 4 – 8

John 20: 19 – 31

Holy Communion at All Saints

1st May 9.30am




All age Holy Communion at St Martin’s

Acts 9: 1 – 6

John 21: 1 – 19

All age Holy Communion at All Saints


Team Vicar of St Paul’s Walden with Preston:

A Letter From Our Team Vicar

As I write, the violent attacks on the Ukraine continue to intensify – President Putin‘s actions, merciless and implacable. We look on in horror at the scenes of devastation and personal loss. The response to the humanitarian crisis has been amazing, both nationally and locally, and even if we feel we can’t actually do much, we can at least dig deep into our pockets, we can be welcoming to refugees and we can pray. From our village, an amazing £700 was raised from a coffee morning at the church and donations from the Red Lion.

We have, of course, to tread carefully and not glibly, when we say that there will be a way through this. It may not seem obvious to the Ukrainians on the ground, to those fleeing with almost nothing, but there will be a way through this.

Which brings me to the Easter story – a story of hope and resurrection after the calamity of the crucifixion of Jesus.

It is the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, and new life for all. We will try to hang onto this assurance, as we pray for a resurrection experience for the Ukrainian people as well as for ourselves.

With every blessing, Stephen

St Martin’s Church 150 Club 2022/2023

The winners in the first draw (March) in the 2022/23 150 Club (£30 each) were:

No. 14 Mr R D Challans
No. 42 Miss E Hunter

Recently-Added Articles To The History Of Preston Web Site

The tenancies of Henry Brand (MP) and Frederick Macmillan (publisher) at Temple Dinsley are examined; there is an in-depth appraisal of the early history of cricket at Preston and details of the 1921 census for the village are published.

If your home was built before 1921, who was living there when the enumerator called?

To find these articles, use this link:  http://prestonherts.co.uk/whatsnew-a.htm

The Preston Trust Great Easter Egg Hunt

Saturday 16th April ~ 2 to 5.00pm (Last entry 4.00pm)

Come and join the fun

Starting on the Village Green

Tickets £2 per child

Hi everyone,

The Preston Trust committee would like to invite you to its 2022 Great Easter Egg Hunt and Trail. We are asking for bookings so that we have enough eggs and so that any child with dietary needs can still take part in the fun! Simply let us know any allergies or intolerances when you book.

Payment of £2 per child will be on the day.

To book, or ask questions, please

We are looking forward to welcoming you – Rae, Preston Trust committee member

The Spring 2022 Litter Pick, and the Twig Clearance on The Green

The Parish Council and the Preston Trust committee would once again like to thank very much the 22 adults who kindly turned out, on a chilly grey morning, March 5th, to tackle this seasonal task.

We had enough helpers to deal with all the lanes and footpaths. The litter consisted of the usual muddle of beer cans, plastic and glass bottles, and lengths of broken metal, plastic and polystyrene. We had 4 enthusiasts, with their rakes, Les, Matthew, Tim and Jo, to gather up the debris of twigs on The Green. Grateful thanks are due again to Tom Duffin for transporting this lorry load of organic litter down to Wain Wood; this is beneficial recycling!

In Wain Wood, along the path from the Recreation Ground to the footpath entrance, two of our helpers found several bags of dog poo, hanging on the fence or on branches of the trees/shrubs. This is a horrid feature, on a public path in a private wood, deliberately left by some dogowners. As these thin poo bags degrade and break, the contents then become a health hazard for everyone, animal and human. PLEASE may we ask all dogowners to be responsible, every day, and take your dog’s poo bag home to your bin. Thank you.

Liz Hunter, PT Committee member

Preston Celebrates The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

Preston Celebrates The Queen's Platinum Jubilee 2022The Preston Platinum Jubilee Celebrations (PPJC) committee representing Preston Cricket Club, Preston Parish Council, St. Martin’s Church, The Preston Trust and The Red Lion has been formed to work together with Preston Nursery and Primary Schools, and you to create a wonderful celebration of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and our special community.

Many villagers have asked which day has been chosen for the Parish’s special event. The answer is quite simply-all of them! There is still a lot to do and decisions to make but to whet your appetites …

Thursday 2nd June: – An evening to coincide with the national lighting of the Platinum Jubilee Beacons

Friday 3rd June: – A Right Royal Quiz at the Red Lion.

Saturday 4th June: – Afternoon tea at the Recreation Ground watching the
2nd II team play at home
An evening of music and food at The Red Lion

Sunday 5th June: – A commemorative Church Service
A street party and picnic in front of The Red Lion with games on The Green

If you have any suggestions, questions, or would like to offer to help please:
or join us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/prestoncelebratesthequeensjubilee/
and Instagram www.Instagram.com/Prestonsjubileecelebrations

We will be sharing more information and ways you can get involved or help as above, in the Newsletter, via the PNS and with fliers delivered throughout the Parish. A long list but, hopefully that means everyone will know what will be happening as Preston celebrates the Platinum Jubilee. We are looking forward to the whole Parish coming together in fun and laughter.
David, Jane, Jo, Malcolm, Rae, Ray, Richard and Vicky – The PPJC committee

Neighbourhood Watch

The number to contact at North Herts Police for all non-emergencies (including witnessing of fly-tipping) is 101 or 01707 354000.

For removal of fly tipping which has already occurred, call NHDC 01462 474000 or online at www.north-herts.gov.uk, then follow the links to Transport and Streets, Street Cleaning and Fly Tipping where there is a form to complete to report the details. If you use the What3Words app, please include the three words for the location of the fly tipping.

PCSO Heather Burrows can be contacted regarding local community issues.
Contact details are as follows:

PCSO Heather Burrows: 07740 745168 or 01438 757604 or heather.burrows@herts.pnn.police.uk

In the event of an emergency or if you witness a crime taking place please call 999.

Reporting suspicious activity

Please report any suspicious activity or vehicles you may witness in the locality.
Call the police on the non-emergency number 101 or report it online by using the website www.herts.police.uk/report and follow the links.

Register With The Owl System

Keep up to date with what’s going on in your neighbourhood by signing up to the OWL System (Online Watch Link). Information about crime, the latest crime prevention advice and local community news is sent by email from Herts Police.

Visit www.owl.co.uk for further information or email the Watch Liaison Officer at WLO@herts.pnn.police.uk.

Details are also available on the Neighbourhood Watch page of the Preston Village website at www.prestonvillageherts.com.

Or download the free OWL App by searching the App Store or Google Play for ‘OWL Crime Alerts’

This can also be used for reporting crime.

Hitchin Foodbank Shortages For April 2022

The following items are the most urgently needed: Juice (longlife); Sponge Puddings; Tinned Tuna; Cereal Bars (packs of 5); Tinned Meat (meatballs, hot dogs etc.).

Please ensure items are undamaged and in date. Donations can be deposited in the blue box in the garage at Lychgate House, Church Lane, or at Waitrose and Sainsbury’s.

For more information please visit letchworth.foodbank.org.uk.

Luton Airport Counsultation

The closing date for the statutory consultation on the long-term proposals to expand Luton airport is Monday 4 April. Information on how to respond to the consultation can be found on the website: www.lutonrising.org.uk

Open Gardens And Tea: St Pauls Waldenbury: Sunday 15 May 2.00 -5.00 pm

After a two year break due to the pandemic, the gardens will be open again at St Paul’s Waldenbury this Spring. Preston will be providing the teas on Sunday 15 May with proceeds going to St Martin’s Church. Please look out for a request for cakes in next month’s newsletter.