December 2021

Parish Council Meeting: Thursday 2 December

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Thursday 2 December at 8pm in the village hall. This will follow a detailed risk assessment to ensure everyone’s safety. Any member of the public who would like to raise an issue to be discussed at this meeting should contact the Clerk.

Numbers who can attend this meeting are limited so any member of the public who particularly needs to speak to the Parish Council must register with the Clerk prior to the meeting and be prepared to follow the safety measures which are in place. Contact details are: Lisa Lathane, Clerk to the Parish Council:

Carols near The Christmas Tree on The Green, Sunday 5 December 6.00pm

The Preston Trust committee invite you all to come along to this village event. You may have noticed that a decorated Christmas tree is already in position, outside The Red Lion.

Ray and Jo have once again kindly agreed to prepare the mulled wine and mince pies, the juice and nibbles.(Including some “free from” alternatives for those with allergies) The winners from the JMI School’s Christmas Competition will switch on the tree lights at c. 6.10pm. A group of five outstanding instrumentalists, led by Richard Cole, will then accompany us all to sing five lovely familiar carols. Carol sheets will be available to help us remember the words! For those of you who prefer technology the carols will be available to download onto your phones or to access from the Village website

Those of you who would like to will also have the opportunity to buy tickets for the raffle to be drawn at the Film Show on the 8th of January.

Rather than crowding too many people into The Red Lion, the Preston Trust will provide several gazebos on the pub side of The Green, if the weather looks to be wet and chilly.

Thus, wrap up warm, bring your torches and phones, and come along to join in, please. This is always a simple enjoyable way to start the Christmas season. We look forward to seeing you there!

St Martin’s Church and All Saints’ Church Services

Sunday 5th December

Advent 2

9.30am Holy Communion at St Martin’s

Philippians 1: 3-11

Luke 3: 1-6

11am Holy Communion at All Saints
Sunday  12th December

Advent 3


9.30am Holy Communion at St Martin’s

Philippians 4: 4-7

Luke 3: 7-18

11am Holy Communion at All Saints
Sunday 19th December

Advent 4

8am Holy Communion (BCP) at All Saints
3.30pm Christingle and Crib Service at St Martin’s
6pm Carol Service at All Saints
Friday 24th December

Christmas Eve



Crib Service at All Saints

Holy Communion at St Martin’s

Hebrews 1: 1-4

John 1: 1-14

Saturday 25th December

Christmas Day

10am Holy Communion at All Saints

Titus 3: 4-7

Luke 2: 8-20

26th December No Services
Sunday 2nd January 9.30am Holy Communion at St Martin’s
11am Holy Communion at All Saints

Team Vicar of St Paul’s Walden with Preston:

A Letter From Our Team Vicar

Making space – for ourselves, for other people – is quite difficult in the run-up to Christmas. There is after all so much to do. It can be frantic – just more pressure, more demands, more anxiety.

Making space for ourselves may be vital. Why not join the opening of an Advent Window at different locations in Whitwell/St Paul’s Walden throughout December? Why not spend a Quiet Hour at All Saints on Thursday 9 December? For making space – and protecting time – matters. Do look at the schedule of services and events for more information.

But making space for what? One answer might be, making space for hope – that ingredient which is indeed a lifesaver in a world where so much seems hopeless.

Christians will want to say that we are making space for the coming of Jesus – making space and time through carols, Christingles and crib services, for the coming of the one who is the world’s best hope, the world’s true light.

May I wish you all in due course a very happy Christmas.

With every blessing,


St Martin’s Church 120 Club Draw 2020/2021

The winners in the November draw in the 2021/22 120 Club (£30 each) were:

No. 71 Mr & Mrs R Bowden
No. 103 Mrs W Woods

Neighbourhood Watch

The number to contact at North Herts Police for all non-emergencies (including witnessing of fly-tipping) is 101 or 01707 354000.

For removal of fly tipping which has already occurred, call NHDC 01462 474000 or online at, then follow the links to Transport and Streets, Street Cleaning and Fly Tipping where there is a form to complete to report the details. If you use the What3Words app, please include the three words for the location of the fly tipping.

PC Johnie Streeter and PCSO Heather Burrows can be contacted regarding local community issues. Their contact details are as follows:

PC Johnie Streeter: 07525 905431 or 01438 757604

PCSO Heather Burrows: 07740 745168 or 01438 757604 or

In the event of an emergency or if you witness a crime taking place please call 999.

Reporting suspicious activity

Please report any suspicious activity or vehicles you may witness in the locality.
Call the police on the non-emergency number 101 or report it online by using the website and follow the links.

​Reporting Scam Emails and Texts

Please report suspicious emails to Action Fraud at:
Scam text messages should be forwarded to 7726.

Clearing of Twigs and Leaves

The Parish Council and the Preston Trust would like to ask for your assistance with a further clearing of twigs and leaves on The Green and around the Pond, on SATURDAY, 4 DECEMBER at 10.00am until c. 12.00 noon. This will help rain and sunlight to reach and strengthen the grass sward.

Please bring your own rakes,or if you have any spare, you don’t mind others using,those too. Could anyone with a leaf blower tool come and help us, please? Or could you loan us the tool, please?

We will have bags and buckets to collect up the twigs and leaves, as previously.

We will look forward to seeing some of you on the 4th, please!

Hitchin Foodbank Shortages

Thank you for your continued support, all donations are welcome; the following items are the most urgently needed due to recent strong demand:

UHT Milk Longlife [not skimmed]; Juice Longlife; Jam/Marmalade; Dried Potatoes; Dried Milk; Sponge Puddings.

Please ensure items are undamaged and in date. Donations can be deposited in the blue box in the garage at Lychgate House, Church Lane, or at Waitrose and Sainsbury’s.

For more information please visit

It’s A Wonderfull Life

On 8 January A Treat To Welcome the New Year !

The Preston Trust committee can now confirm that this new event will take place in St. Martins church in Church Lane on Saturday, 8 January from 4.00pm until c. 7.00pm. All of you, of all ages, are warmly invited, and admission is free!

You will be welcomed with teatime refreshments, then at c. 4.20pm the showing of the delightful film “Its a Wonderful Life” will start.The film lasts for 2 hours and 10 minutes, but, half way through, we will pause for a further snack and a comfort break for those who may want one. After the second half of the film, there will be the opportunity to play a short simple enjoyable game, with a small monetary prize.

This event will obviously be subject to any Covid 19 restrictions which may apply on that date.

The churchyard path will be lit, the church will be warm, and the new facilities there of a kitchenette and a toilet will be available and in good order. The church can accommodate about 80 people.

In the event of the film being changed we will let you know the new film straight away.

To enable us to provide refreshments, and to comply with any restrictions that may be in place please reserve your seat by contacting

Please SAVE THE DATE in your new 2022 diary and calendar, and come along to start the New Year with fellowship and good cheer!

~ Although this film has been chosen for you, sometime in the future we would like to try giving a list of films and showing the one which most parishioners pick.~

The Preston Trust New Year Raffle

The Draw of The Raffle with five special  prizes will be at the Film Show on Saturday 8 January.

Any offers of a raffle prize,including items which can be combined with others to make up hampers,will be much appreciated. Please contact Jo –

or pop a note through her door at 23 Chequers Lane.As well as being on sale at the Christmas Tree Light Switch On and at the Film Show,tickets will be included in the January Newsletter for those who wish to take part in the raffle, along with instructions of what to do with them.

COVID-19 and the Newsletter

Producing our Parish Newsletter is a community initiative. Between us, we have taken steps to protect both the volunteers who produce and deliver as well as our readers. We have reduced the number of people involved in production – Howard edited the newsletter and e-mailed it as a Word file for printing; Rae and Wal printed, folded and sorted into delivery rounds this month; then distributed, contact free to the volunteers who deliver.