Deadline for the March 2024 newsletter is 25 February
Preston Parish Council: Fault Reporting
Potholes should be reported to Hertfordshire Highways at: or : 03001234047.
You will be asked to provide the width and depth of the pothole and there is an option to upload photos of the pothole. The greater the number of reports, the more likely it is that the pothole will be repaired.
Fallen Trees
Fallen trees and large branches which are blocking the highway should be reported to Lisa Lathane, Clerk to Preston Parish Council who will inform the owner of the tree.
Preston Village Society
Our next meeting will take place on Thursday 29th February at the village hall at 7.30pm. Our speaker will be Parviz Allidina who has recently moved to the village and is a Physiotherapist. Her talk will be Resistance to Falls through Strength and Balance.
If you are not a member but would like to come along, please do contact me you will be made very welcome. Gail Edwards.
The Red Lion
First Monday of the Month: QUIZ NIGHT: 5 February at 8.00pm
Please book your table, no more than 6 per team.
St Martin’s Church and All Saints’ Church Services
Sunday 4th February
11.00am |
St Martin’s All Age Communion
Colossians 1: 15 – 20 John 1: 1 – 14 All Saints All Age Communion |
Sunday 11th February
11.00am |
All Saints Holy Communion (BCP)
St Martin’s Holy Communion 2 Corinthians 4: 3 – 6 Mark 9: 2 – 9 All Saints Sunday Worship |
14th February. Ash Wednesday – beginning of Lent | 12noon | All Saints Holy Communion with ashing, followed by a
soup lunch in the annexe |
Sunday 18th February | 9.30am
11.00am |
St Martin’s Family Service
All Saints Holy Communion 1 Peter 3: 18 – end Mark 1: 9 – 15 |
Sunday 25th February
11.00am |
St Martin’s Holy Communion
Romans 4: 13 – end Mark 8: 31 – end All Saints Holy Communion |
Team Vicar of St Paul’s Walden with Preston:
Letter From The Vicar
I was reminded the other day of a distinction that I had forgotten. It is the distinction between shame cultures and guilt cultures. Shame cultures concentrate on what other people think about you, so loss of face or embarrassment are uppermost.
And I thought of this in the context of the Post Office and the scandalous way it had treated its sub-postmasters.
Here was a ‘shame’ culture writ large, the motto apparently ‘Do not get found out’ or ‘Do not admit your wrong’. For right across this scandal, we have seen individuals unwilling to admit they were wrong or responsible. Shame has its place of course, but if it leads us to believe that public figures and institutions are always engaged in some kind of evasion or cover up, it will lead to suspicion and a damaging lack of trust.
By contrast, ‘guilt’ cultures promote honesty and a willingness to admit you are wrong. They encourage apology and forgiveness. They say to people: ‘Be honest and admit it when you are wrong’.
Christianity is firmly in the ‘guilt’ category. Repentance and forgiveness are at the heart of its message. And in the middle of this month, on February 14th, we will see how true this is. For on that day, Ash Wednesday, the period of Lent begins – a period of self-reflection and repentance for our conduct, our falling short or missing the mark. And the forgiveness we can be assured of comes from the God who forgives in and through Jesus Christ.
There will be a service at All Saints at midday, and I will mark the sign of the cross on the forehead of all who would like this ‘ashing’. You will be most welcome at this service which will be followed by a Lent soup and bread lunch in the annex in aid of the hungry.
With every blessing
St Martin’s Church 150 Club 2023/2024
The winners in the January draw in the 2023/24 150 Club (£30 each) were
No. 67 Mrs S Atkinson
No. 4 Miss R Cole
Neighbourhood Watch
The number to contact at North Herts Police for all non-emergencies (including witnessing of fly-tipping) is 101 or 01707 354000.
For removal of fly tipping which has already occurred, call NHDC 01462 474000 or online at, then follow the links to Transport and Streets, Street Cleaning and Fly Tipping where there is a form to complete to report the details. If you use the What3Words app, please include the three words for the location of the fly tipping.
PCSO Heather Burrows can be contacted regarding local community issues.
Contact details are as follows:
PCSO Heather Burrows: 07740 745168 or 01438 757604 or
In the event of an emergency or if you witness a crime taking place please call 999.
Reporting suspicious activity
Please report any suspicious activity or vehicles you may witness in the locality.
Call the police on the non-emergency number 101 or report it online by using the website and follow the links.
The Preston Trust
Our first LITTER PICK of 2024, SATURDAY MARCH 9th, 10.00 – 12 noon
The PT committee would like to invite you, once again, to lend a hand to pick up litter around the village and parish. The number of visiting ramblers and dog-walkers seems to continue throughout the parish – they appreciate our mostly quiet lanes, our litter free footpaths, and a possible destination of our Red Lion! We wish to demonstrate our clean and green rural environment.
Please wear appropriate clothing and footwear, and bring your gardening or DIY gloves. We have the Hi Vis jackets, the litter pick tools and sacks. As usual, we will work in pairs along each lane and path, and bring the filled sacks back to St Martin’s Place in Church Lane.
A decision on whether to have a clearing of The Green, on the same day, will be made at the end of February. The outcome will be shared in the March Newsletter.
Do please just come along, and lend a hand! As you all know, many hands make light work! You are all very welcome. Liz Hunter and Rae Reynolds, The PT committee members
The Preston Trust Great Easter Egg Hunt and Trail 2024 – Saturday March 30th
2.00pm – 5.00 pm (last entry 4.00 pm)
The Preston Trust committee would like to invite you all, once again, to its Great Easter EggHunt and Trail .There will some new games along the trail and different emoji puzzles to solve… We are asking for bookings so that we have enough eggs and so that any child with dietary needs can still take part in the fun! Simply let us know any allergies or intolerances when you book.
Payment of £2 per child will be on the day. (please remember to bring cash)
We are looking forward to welcoming you. The PT committee- Adrian,Jax, Liz,Rae,Wal and Vicky
To book, or to ask any questions, please
Newsletter inclusion from The Preston Trust
The following two documents were included as separate pages with this newsletter:
The Preston Trust 2024 Membership Letter to parishioners and friends of Preston
The Preston Trust Membership Form – updated January 2024