June 2019

Dates to Remember

Sun 2 June Albany Bassets Open day – Sootfield Green – 3.00pm
Wed 5 June Parish Council – Village Hall 8.00pm
Wed 19 June Preston Village Society – Langcliffe, Butchers Lane – 8.00pm
Sat 6 July Preston Village Day

Village Day – Saturday 6 July

The Scarecrows are coming… The Scarecrows will be vying with each other to win the OSCARecrowS, with separate awards voted by both “older” and “younger” judges. Please join in the fun and build a scarecrow – the more the merrier. Straw is available, for any scarecrows in need, from David and Jane at Castle Farm, 07884 253820.

Scarecrow Hotels – If you don’t want to make a scarecrow, why not host one from outside of the village? Visiting scarecrows can either congregate at Scarecrow Corner or spend the day at a hotel along the village scarecrow trail.

What’s On – Expect some old favourites around the green, such as the Maypole Dancing, the Car Show and the Dog Show. New, hopefully soon to be favourite, attractions will include a Bird of Prey Display and the Human Fruit Machine. Parish organisations and groups will again be taking part, with more stalls and games for all of the family to enjoy – you’ve probably ‘splat a rat’, but have you ever ‘milked a cow’?

If you’d like to enter a scarecrow, host someone else’s, have a stall and/or help on the day – please e-mail prestonvillagetrust@gmail.com or call 434033.

The Preston Trust Looking at the coming months

At our AGM the committee, members and non-members present looked at activities and events for the coming months. A key topic of concern is the increasing nuisance of air traffic affecting our lives and the committee received a mandate to address this if possible. After the success of events organised by the Trust over the last year a programme of events was discussed taking us from Village Day up to Christmas. We are currently planning:

  • Walks and Talks along the Parish Boundary based on a previous “Beating the Bounds”
  • Vernacular Architecture in Preston why our houses look the way they do
  • A Local History Evening a presentation featuring archive film footage and images
  • We will be extending an invitation to Andrew Lambourne of LADACAN to talk to us again
  • Christmas Tree Lights and Carols with additional things to do (and maybe eat) this year.

St Martin’s Church And All Saints’ Church Services

June Service Sidesman Reader
2ndNo Service at St Martin’s
11.00amFamily Communion at All Saints’
9th9.30PentecostMike KellardPaul Constantinidi
   Acts 2:1-21, RCL p.885 Gospel: John 14:8-17
Intercessions: Alec Dickinson   Chalice: Alec Dickinson
11.00amHoly Communion at All Saints’
16th8.00amHoly Communion, BCP, at All Saints’
9.30amLiz HunterSue Griffiths
   Romans 5:1-5, RCL p.892 Gospel: John 16:12-15
Intercessions: Doreen Sansom   Chalice: Liz Hunter
11.00amFamily Praise + Baptism at All Saints’
23rd9.30amRichard BlockleyHugh Reeves
   Galatians 3:23-end, RCL p.921 Gospel: Luke 8:26-39
Intercessions: Meta Reeves   Chalice: Di Blockley
11.00amHoly Communion at All Saints’
30th10.00amFamily Ice Cream Service
11.00amHoly Communion at All Saints’
7thNo Service at St Martin’s
11.00amFamily Communion at All Saints’
All services are at St. Martin's unless stated otherwise

Weekday services in Whitwell:

Alternate Wednesdays 9.30am. Holy Communion at Lime Tree House – 12th June, 26th June

Stagenhoe: 26th June, 11.00am Holy Communion

A Letter From Dawn Jenkins, Reader Of The Parish


As we move into the month of June it is with awe and wonder that we view the countryside around us and thank God for his creation.So forgive me as I start this bulletin with a poem, but with all the building work that is taking place locally it struck a chord

A builder builded a temple.
He wrought it with grace and skill;
Pillars and groins and arches
All fashioned to work his will.
Men said, as they saw its beauty,
‘It shall never know decay.
Great is thy skill, O Builder!
Thy fame shall endure for aye.’

A teacher builded a temple
With loving and infinite care,
Planning each arch with patience,
Laying each stone with prayer.
None praised her unceasing efforts.
None knew of her wondrous plan,
For the temple the teacher builded
Was unseen by the eyes of man.

Gone is the builder’s temple,
Crumbled into the dust.
Low lies each stately pillar,
Food for consuming rust.
But the temple the teacher builded
Will last while the ages roll,
For that beautiful unseen temple
Was a child’s immortal soul.

God is the master builder. What he creates He builds anew each new day, each week, month, and year. He fashions anew the seasons as each year passes by and each harvest in our harvest festivals we give thanks for all he has created.  We will never in our time have answers to all our questions but by tending the seeds of knowledge we have, it may help us to act to leave a  better tomorrow for our children.

It is also that time of year when so many of our children are undertaking exams and are working on building future paths through life. We must thank God for the gifts given to each one of us, which help us build our community, the Open Gardens in Preston and Village Day in Whitwell. Days where we work together building our friendships working as a community, celebrating this place where we live.

The building taking place in our village may not be a pretty sight at the moment, but one day it will be someone’s home and part of their journey through life, a roof over their head, and a few extra pairs of hands in our community to help out. Life for none of us can stand still, we may struggle to move on but I believe Gods plan is all part of a bigger picture.

With love

Tim Liddell, Churchwarden, All Saints’ Writes

Hello Everyone

By the time this is published All Saints’ church will have been part of quite a significant event. There is a new film release of Emma, by Jane Austen, being filmed at the church in May. The church was chosen back in February after they searched over 100 churches around the South East. Yet despite a huge amount of preparation and with over 200 people being involved in its production, they still only managed to sign contracts at 8am on the day it started.

Their initial recce involved about 50 of them for a half day, on one of the nicest spring days we’ve had and with the surrounding area covered by daffodils. They were all astonished as to how beautiful the setting is and so close to towns they know.

It will be interesting to see the film when released, I’m sure a showing at the monthly village film club will be required to watch Bill Nighy, Rupert Graves, Miranda Hart and ‘Larry’ from the Durrells grace our local church. Hopefully the grass in the churchyard will also have recovered, as we’ve had to let it grow long to be more realistic. I know that this has been upsetting for some people and we apologise for the churchyard looking untidy during April and May.

The filming does provide the church with much needed funds to help with its restoration, as there is considerable amount of work required on the church fabric. The All Saints’ Preservation Trust is in the process of setting up an Appeal fund, which we will communicate more over the next couple of months. We are looking for people to get involved with how we can raise money, but more importantly to have ideas on how to make the church feel more part of the community rather than a building away from the village.

All the best

Neighbourhood Watch

The number to contact at North Herts Police for all non-emergencies (including witnessing of fly-tipping) is  101 or 01707 354000.

For removal of fly tipping which has already occurred, call NHDC 01462 474000 or online at www.north-herts.gov.uk, then follow the links to Transport and Streets, Street Cleaning and Fly Tipping where there is a form to complete to report the details.

PC Matt Jenkins and PCSO Heather Burrows can be contacted regarding local community issues. Their contact details are as follows:

PC Matt Jenkins: 07736 225349 or 01438 757604

PCSO Heather Burrows: 07847 364955 or 01438 757604 or heather.burrows@herts.pnn.police.uk

In the event of an emergency or if you witness a crime taking place please call 999.

Parish Council Bottle Tombola

The Parish Council is organising a bottle tombola at the Village Day on Saturday 6 July and will be grateful for any donations of unopened and in date bottles. Contributions can be either left with Jane Clark at 1 Castle Farm Cottages or brought to The Green on the day.

Preston Village Society

Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday 19 June at 8.00pm at Chris Hardy, Langcliffe, Butchers Lane. Dr John Horton will give an insight into the work of the Essex and Herts Air Ambulance.

St Martin’s Church 120 Club Draw 2019/2020

The winners of the June draws in the 2019/20 120 Club (£30 each) were:

No. 81 Mr E Packenham
No. 85 Mr R Larman

There are a few unsold tickets and we welcome any new participants – tickets cost £20 for the year, with 25 prizes of £30. This is an important source of income for St Martin’s church to help maintain the building and churchyard.  If you would like to join please call Richard Blockley 457631.

Albany Bassets Open Day Sunday 2 June

The Albany Bassets are holding their annual Open Day on Sunday 2 June at Sootfield Green. The show starts at 3.00pm followed by afternoon tea at approx 4.00pm. All our hounds will be on show so if you’ve ever wanted to find out a bit more about the basset hounds, please come along! Four legged guests are also welcome, we have one class for pet dogs at the end of the day. If you require more details please contact Alison 432120.