June 2020

As all local events have been cancelled due to Covid 19 – there are no dates to remember.

COVID 19: Preston Help Line

Preston Parish Council and The Preston Trust would like to remind Preston residents that the helpline continues to be available during the corona virus situation with a large number of willing volunteers. Anyone who requires help with shopping, collecting prescriptions, collecting hot food from the Red Lion, walking their dog or would like to have a chat with someone should contact the Preston helpline in one of the following ways:

The phone line and emails are monitored daily from 7.30am to 9.30pm.

Please note that if a call comes in after 8 30pm it may not be possible to link the caller to a volunteer until the following day unless the issue is urgent.

The helpline will continue for as long as it is needed.

Please stay safe and remember to follow Government guidance in order to save lives.

Preston Parish Council: Wednesday 3 June

The next meeting of Preston Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 3 June at 8.00pm via Zoom video conferencing. Any member of the public who would like to raise an issue to be discussed at this meeting should contact the Clerk. Anyone who would like to join in the electronic meeting should also contact Lisa Lathane, Clerk to the Parish Council:

email: prestonclerk@gmail.com or phone: 07887 875442 by Friday 29 May. A link to join the meeting will emailed about 15 minutes before the meeting is due to start.

St Martin’s Church
Services And Readings For June

Please note that while the churches remain closed for public worship, the forms of service will vary. Not all the readings given below may therefore be used.

Sunday 7 June. Trinity Sunday
Isaiah 40: 12-17;27-31
2 Corinthians 13: 11-13
Matthew 28:16-20
Sunday 14 June. 1st Sunday after Trinity
Romans 5: 1-8
Matthew 9:35 – 10:8
Sunday 21 June. 2nd Sunday after Trinity
Romans 6:1b -11
Matthew 10: 24 -39
Sunday 28 June. 3rd Sunday after Trinity
Romans 6:12 – end
Matthew 10:40 – end

Please do call me if you need further clarification – Stephen Fielding

Team Vicar of St Paul’s Walden with Preston:

St Martin’s Church 120 Club Draw 2020/2021

The winners in the May draw in the 2020/21 120 Club (£30 each) were:

No. 23 Mr & Mrs J Skirrow
No. 150 Mrs R A Brenham

The Vicar Writes

Sounds of building work resuming near the vicarage in Whitwell, increased traffic through our villages, an easing of the lockdown, tell us that things are on the move again. Something is happening.

We may think of all the quietness we have enjoyed, more time to do stuff, how much more attentive to our gardens and the landscape around us we have become. And we look into the future for sure – to think about what a difference this COVID-19 may herald for a better way of living.  At  the same time we will be noting and thinking about those for whom the coronavirus has been troublesome, lonely and even disastrous.

All the ups and downs are the life we live: and I would say that the life we live needs gratitude and hope and care for others for it to be complete.

We are now in the season of Pentecost – what we used to call Whitsun. This celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit to the first disciples. It was the visible fire of God’s love then, and it is available to all who seek it now, alongside hopes and fears, and as an impulse to us to love. May the Holy Spirit be a sign of something happening in our lives for our good.

With every blessing,


Plant Stall

Many villagers felt that a trip to the plant stall outside Crunnells Green House qualified as ‘essential travel’ during the lockdown. There were three occasions when the bench was well supplied with plants grown by gardeners in the village and originally intended for the Open Gardens Day. These occasions proved to be not only very popular but also a welcome social opportunity (with social distancing provided by the virtual white lines in the middle of the road!). Plants were offered on the basis that donations in aid of St Martin’s church would be welcome. Although a final figure may not be available for a while the total sum raised will be in excess of £1,250 which is a sum that no-one would have expected and would not have been possible without the generosity of the donations and the multitude of plants supplied by so many people.

Scarecrows, PHC Celebration and Village Day Postponed

Some of our happy band of Preston scarecrows aren’t as happy at the moment because they are either shielding or in self isolation, so won’t be able to take part this year. A number of attendees and organisers for both the 200th Anniversary and Village Day Celebrations will also be shielding or in self isolation. Hence the 27th June Event will be postponed until we can all enjoy the festivities safely together. We will keep you updated.

Neighbourhood Watch

The number to contact at North Herts Police for all non-emergencies (including witnessing of fly-tipping) is 101 or 01707 354000.

For removal of fly tipping which has already occurred, call NHDC 01462 474000 or online at www.north-herts.gov.uk, then follow the links to Transport and Streets, Street Cleaning and Fly Tipping where there is a form to complete to report the details.

PC Johnie Streeter and PCSO Heather Burrows can be contacted regarding local community issues. Their contact details are as follows:

PC Johnie Streeter: 07525 905431 or 01438 757604 Johnie.streeter@herts.pnn.police.uk

PCSO Heather Burrows: 07740 745168 or 01438 757604 or heather.burrows@herts.pnn.police.uk

In the event of an emergency or if you witness a crime taking place please call 999.

Reporting suspicious activity

Please report any suspicious activity or vehicles you may witness in the locality.

Call the police on the non-emergency number 101 or report it online by using the website www.herts.police.uk/report and follow the links.

Hitchin Foodbank

The need for help has dramatically increased, and the Hitchin, Letchworth & Baldock Foodbank has helped 80% more people in the last 4 weeks compared to last year, helping over 800 people.  The generosity of the local community, individuals and businesses in financial donations to the Foodbank has enable them to introduce and maintain the purchase of supermarket vouchers. To continue the voucher scheme they will still need monetary support, please see the website for how to donate: www.letchworth.foodbank.org.uk.

The Red Lion

For one week only we are not doing our takeaway service or Quotidian bread run. You can next order your Quotidian bread for Tuesday 2 June. Friday 5 June is the next time we will be doing Fantastic Fish Friday. On Saturday 6 June we will also be doing a Thai night.

Please just ring the pub (459585) to place your order.

Covid-19 And The Newsletter

Producing our Parish Newsletter is a community initiative. Between us, we have taken steps to protect both the volunteers who produce and deliver as well as our readers. We have reduced the number of people involved in production – Howard edited the newsletter and e-mailed it as a Word file for printing; Rae and Wal printed, folded and sorted into delivery rounds this month; each delivery round was laid out separately for contact free collection.