September 2019

Dates to Remember

Wed 11 Sept Parish Council – Village Hall 8.00pm
Sat 14 Sept Beating the Bounds – postponed to 5 Oct
Wed 18 Sept Preston Village Society – St Martin’s House – 8.00pm
Fri 20 Sept Harvest Supper – Village Hall – 7.00pm.
Fri 27 Sept Harvest Auction – The Red Lion – 8.00pm
Sat 5 Oct Beating the Bounds – The Green – 10.30am

The Red Lion – Harvest Auction

The annual Harvest Auction will be held on Friday 27 September at 8.00pm. Would those donating produce for the auction please bring it to the pub in the afternoon. Proceeds will be shared between Preston Primary School, Colts Cricket and St Martin’s Church.

Harvest Supper on Friday 20 September

This year the Harvest Supper will be held on Friday 20 September in the Village Hall at 7.00 pm. Tickets, priced £12.50, include a welcome drink and a two course meal and can be obtained from Sue Griffiths on 434194. Numbers are limited to 40, so please call soon!

If you have a vegetarian preference, just let Sue know well in advance. Please bring your own bottle. There will be a Raffle, so donations of prizes would be very much appreciated. Families who have moved into the Parish recently are especially welcome, but anyone living in the village is warmly invited so do come and join us.

Preston Village Society: Wednesday 19 September

This month’s meeting is being held at Mary Young’s, St Martin’s House, Church Lane on Wednesday 18 September. Lee Bennett will talk about collecting costume jewellery together with her collection.

Last month’s tea afternoon raised £155 for the Garden House Hospice. Thank you to everyone who supported this event and to Margaret for hosting it.

Jams and Preserves

If you are making some now or later please make an extra pot or two for the Stall at next year’s Open Gardens Day – 24 May 2020!

St Martin’s Church And All Saints’ Church Services

September Service Sidesman Reader
1stNo Service at St Martin’s
11.00amFamily Communion at All Saints’
8th9.30amMalcolm LowleMike Kellard
   Philemon 1-21, RCL p. 984 Gospel: Luke 14:25-33
Intercessions: Alec Dickinson   Chalice: Alec Dickinson
11.00amHoly Communion at All Saints’
15th8.00amHoly Communion, BCP, at All Saints’
9.30amLiz HunterHugh Reeves
   1 Tim 1:12-17, RCL p.990 Gospel: Luke 15:1-10
Intercessions: Meta Reeves   Chalice: Liz Hunter
11.00amHarvest Praise + Lunch at All Saints’
22nd4.00pmAll Age Harvest PraiseRichard BlockleySue Griffiths & others
11.00amHoly Communion at All Saints’
29th9.30amMike KellardRichard Blockley
   1 Tim 6:6-19, RCL p. 1002 Gospel: Luke 16:19-end
Intercessions: Doreen Sansom   Chalice: Chalice: Carolyn Hill
11.00amHoly Communion at All Saints’
6thNo Service at St Martin’s
11.00amFamily Communion at All Saints’
All services are at St. Martin's unless stated otherwise
Weekday Services In Whitwell

Alternate Wednesdays 9.30am. Holy Communion at Lime Tree House

4th September, 18th September

Stagenhoe: 18th September, 11.00am Harvest Service

From The Church Registers

21st July 2019

Baptism of James Michael Grout, age 9 months

St Martin’s Church 120 Club Draw 2019/2020

The winners of the July/August draws in the 2019/20 120 Club (£30 each) were:

July No. 76 Dr B C Unwin
No. 33 Mrs D Silverman
August No. 86 Mr & Mrs P Madden
No. 28 Mr & Mrs P Walder

A Letter From Tim Liddell, Churchwarden, All Saints’

A Letter From Tim Liddell, Churchwarden, All Saints’

Hello All,

Last time I wrote this letter was in the Spring and by the time this is published it will be the start of Autumn. So I thought it might be interesting to look back at what happened in the Village at this time of year, from some of the first parish magazines published. It seems that it is when Whitwell has the most to offer, a combination of wonderful countryside at its Autumnal best and also events being held that allowed everyone to enjoy being part of a community. A few of the earlier magazines described some interesting events – the Sue Ryder Home provided holidays for Concentration camp survivors; the village had an ox roast at a parish party and there was organised trout fishing.

It is great to see how many people involved in these events and provided articles for the magazine are still in the village. If anyone is interested in seeing any of the old magazines, then please let me know.

As we look forward to our Autumn, one of our first Autumnal events is the St Pauls Walden Bury run, raising money for a fantastic charity based in the village, Autism angels. Then there will be a harvest lunch at the church on Sept 15th, an informal and friendly lunch, when we set-up the tables and share a lunch after our harvest service. Obviously, it would have been one of the most significant celebrations of the year for a rural community, I think we’ll just have to accept that the start of Strictly provides stiff competition, but please do join us.

At our harvest this year we will be celebrating that Revd Canon Stephen Fielding and his wife Angela will be joining us this Autumn, with his licencing on 28th October.

All the best,

A Letter From The Team Rector – To Be

I am delighted to have been appointed Team Rector of Hitchin with St Paul’s Walden and Preston with special responsibility for St Mary’s Hitchin.

This is an exciting time in the Team and for All Saints and St Martin’s as you await your new priest, and I look forward to supporting him in his ministry in Whitwell, St Paul’s Walden, Bendish and Preston. I have spent the last four years in the neighbouring deanery of Stevenage, at St Andrew and St George, the last three years as Rural Dean.

Before ordination, I was a banking lawyer at a US firm. I served my title as curate in the Diocese of London, in Hammersmith. I have a penchant for biographies and old Volvos and a Sprocker spaniel called Dougal (after Father Ted!). I very much look forward to meeting many of you in the autumn.

The Rev’d Chris Bunce

Neighbourhood Watch

The number to contact at North Herts Police for all non-emergencies (including witnessing of fly-tipping) is 101 or 01707 354000.

For removal of fly tipping which has already occurred, call NHDC 01462 474000 or online at, then follow the links to Transport and Streets, Street Cleaning and Fly Tipping where there is a form to complete to report the details.

PC Matt Jenkins and PCSO Heather Burrows can be contacted regarding local community issues. Their contact details are as follows:

PC Matt Jenkins: 07590 460263 or 01438 757604

PCSO Heather Burrows: 07847 364955 or 07740 745168 or

In the event of an emergency or if you witness a crime taking place please call 999.

Hitchin Foodbank

Many thanks for your ongoing support and contributions to the Hitchin Foodbank, especially over the school holiday period.

Due to increased recent demand the following items are most urgently needed: strong plastic bags; shampoo, deodorant and toothpaste; toilet rolls; nappies sizes 5 & 6; tinned rice and custard; longlife juice; longlife UHT milk; tinned vegetables, potatoes and tomatoes; tinned fish.

Please ensure items are undamaged and in date. Donations can be deposited in the blue box in the garage at Lychgate House, Church Lane.

The Preston Trust:  ‘BEATING The Bounds’ Of Our Parish, 2019

Please note the date has changed since the paper copy was published

Do come and join us on our Northern Boundary Parish Walk this summer! It will take place on Saturday, 5th October, from The Green. The start time is under consideration at the moment, as we are considering stopping half way round for a picnic lunch. The start time will probably be 10.30am; this will be confirmed later, so please check the village website for this.

The Walk will last about 3 hours. Everybody is welcome, including youngsters over 10 years with an adult, and fit and well behaved dogs on their leads. There are no public toilets near to the line of the boundary; hedges may have to suffice, if needed. Please wear appropriate clothing and footwear.

The route will be The Green – Sootfield Green – westwards to Austage End – northwestwards past West Wood and Haycock Spinney towards Great Offley village – northeastwards down Chalk Hill – Temple End – Wellhead Farm –  southwards up Tatmorehills Lane –  then either to Sootfield Green or alongside Wain Wood – The Green.

Booking to take part is essential. Please email me on, or phone me on 433859, to let me know that you would like to join us.  Many thanks.

Liz Hunter, Preston Trust committee member