September 2024 Services and Readings

Sunday  1st September  10.00am



 All Saints. Joint Service of Holy Communion

James 1: 17- end

Mark 7: 1-8, 14-15, 21-23

Tuesday 3rd September    9.40am Informal prayers and quiet time in church followed by coffee
Sunday 8th September  10.00am


All Saints. Joint Pet Service.

Please note that this is the only service in the parish for this day.

Sunday 15th September  10.00am St Martin’s. Joint Family Service

Luke 7: 11-17

Tuesday 17th September   9.40am Informal prayers and quiet time in church followed by coffee
Sunday 22nd September  10.00am All Saints. Joint Service of Holy Communion

James 3:13-18, 4:3, 7-8a

Sunday 29th September 10.00am St Martin’s. Joint Service of Holy Communion

Revelation 12:7-12

John 1:47-end


Sunday 6th October

10.00am All Saints. Joint All Age Communion

Hebrews 1:1-4, 2:5-12

Mark 10: 2-16

August 2024 Services and Readings

Sunday  4th August 10.00am Joint Service. All Saints All Age Communion.
Tuesday 6th August    9.40am Informal prayers and quiet time in church followed by coffee
Sunday 11th August 10.00am

Joint Service . St Martin’s. Holy Communion

Sunday 18th August 10.00am

Joint Service at All Saints. Holy Communion

Tuesday 20th August    9.40am Informal prayers and quiet time in church followed by coffee
Sunday 25th August 10.00am

Joint Service. St Martin’s. Holy Communion


Sunday 1st September




Joint Service at All Saints, All Age Communion

Please note the Pet Service will be on 8th September at All Saints at 10.00am and will be the only service that Sunday.

August 2024

Dear All,

It’s been a full and rich few weeks. A new government resetting the political agenda, the Wimbledon finals, the first West Indian tests, the final of the Euros and the start of the Proms. What a lot has been going on!

It has also been a rich time in our churches. Here at St Martin’s, we had a highly successful Songs of Praise within a wonderful Art and Flower Exhibition.

Could I just mention the fortnightly session of Community Prayers at St Martin’s. At 9.40, every other Tuesday, after I have been to take the school singing assembly, we meet to pray for our village, and the school and the pub, and for those who contribute to our local life.  We also think about people who are going through tough times.  All are welcome.  It is low key and undemonstrative; and there is coffee afterwards.

It is wonderful to be part of the communities at Whitwell, St Paul’s Walden, Bendish and Preston – it really is; and I’m deeply appreciative of the many kindnesses shown to me as vicar.

For the next couple of months, at least, I’m going to be out of action as I undergo open-heart surgery in London followed by a longish period of recuperation although I do not have a date for the operation yet. We have tried to provide cover for most Sundays, but I know that you will be understanding if there are one or two Sundays where sadly there is no service.

Do please note that in August we have only one service in the parish each Sunday. One Sunday will be at All Saints the next Sunday at Martin’s and so on. Always at 10am. Please look at the calendar. It is a lovely chance to visit a different church and share in the worship there.

With every blessing,


July 2024

Dear All, As I write, we are in the throes of a general election campaign; and as you read this, you will soon know the outcome of that election. I…

June 2024

Dear All, When lockdown closed our churches, we lost something valuable. Today, four years on, I am really pleased to see how well used and valued both our churches are….

May 2024

Dear All, After Easter this year we went to Malta for the first time. We were impressed by the beauty and the history of the island. It was great to…

There is very little on record of worship in the village from the dissolution of the Knights Hospitaller in 1542 until the mid-19th century. However there are strong links with John Bunyan, who held regular services in a natural amphitheatre – still known as Bunyan’s Dell – in Wain Wood in the 1660s. The villagers were staunch followers of Bunyan, and they built a chapel in 1877 which was regularly used for worship until about 1985.

As far as Anglican worship is concerned, Preston was not large enough to support a church and was part of the Parish of Hitchin. However the curate of St Mary’s, Hitchin, who was responsible for the spiritual welfare of Preston, the Rev. B.N.Switzer, suggested that a Mr Pryor should donate one acre of his land for a Church and Burial Ground.

On January 28th 1899, Mr T.B.Carter, submitted a design with an estimated cost of £1200. This was accepted by the church committee and the people of Preston undertook to raise the money. The foundation stone was laid by Mrs MacMillan (an aunt of Sir Harold MacMillan), who was then living at Temple Dinsley, on St Martin’s Day, 11thNovember 1899. The church was consecrated as St Martin’s by the Bishop of St Albans on 14th July 1900. It has been described as:

“A simple little building set in a formal churchyard, with curiously domestic details reminiscent of C.F.A. Voysey (a prominent turn-of-the-century architect). With a pebble-dashed exterior, steep slate roof and plain nave windows between battered buttresses linked by segmental arches. At the west end is a stumpy towerlet with a gable for bells.”

Recently two new stained glass windows have been installed. Both designed by Peter Caller, a local stained glass artist.  In the south nave wall is the Centenary Window, depicting the life of St Martin and in the south wall of the porch is the Memorial Window to William Palmer, installed on 28th June 2001.

The East window was erected in memory of Thomas Warrin (Mrs McMillan’s father) who died in 1888. It was designed by Christopher Whall and represents the Tree of Jesse. This beautiful window was completely restored in 2005.

With the retirement of the Revd Elizabeth Bunker, St. Martin’s has entered a period of interregnum until a new Parish Priest is appointed.

The Churchwarden at St Martins is Malcolm Lowle who can be contacted on 01462 456664 or or via our Contact Us page.

There is a Friends of St. Martins society – For further details please contact Sue Griffiths via our Contact Us page.

A “120″ Club prize draw each month to raise funds for the ongoing maintenance of St Martins is run by Richard Blockley on behalf of the church. Monthly winners will be announced in the Church and Village Newsletter. Please contact Richard Blockley for further details via our Contact Us page.

Although there are more than one Saint Martin, our church is named after St Martin de Tours -‘The Glory of Gaul’.

St.Martin is the Patron Saint of many, including: beggars; soldiers (mainly of Infantrymen); conscientious objectors; prisoners; tailors; geese; vintners / innkeepers; alcoholics and of France.

There is some controversy on whether Saint Martin was born in 316 or 336. It is known that his place of birth was Savaria which is in modern day Hungary. At the age of 10 St Martin became a Christian, even though at that time both of his parents were pagans. Many years later under St. Martin’s tutelage his mother converted to Christianity, but his father never did. Coming from a military family (his father was a high-ranking officer in the Imperial Horse Guard) St.Martin joined the cavalry corps of the Roman Army when he was 15,serving throughout Gaul (now France), Treves and Milan.

Whilst riding through Amiens in Gaul St Martin met a man who was begging for alms. Even though he was shivering with the cold no one was stopping to help the beggar. St Martin  had nothing to give apart from the clothes he was wearing. The Saint cut his heavy cloak in half and shared it with the man. He later had a vision of Christ, surrounded by angels, wearing the half of the cloak. He heard Jesus saying to the angels “Martin, as yet only a catechumen, has clothed me.” This had such an effect on the young St Martin that he was baptised soon afterwards, at the age of 18.

At 20 Martin left the Army as he felt he could no longer fight. He became the first recognised conscientious objector in recorded  history and was ordained as a deacon by the Bishop Hilary in Poitiers. He then spent many monastic years meditating on the Scriptures, sharing his beliefs, teaching and helping others. When Lidorious the bishop of Tours died the people acclaimed Martin to be their new bishop. It was known that Martin was reluctant so he was tricked into going to the city by being told he was needed to administer to someone who was sick. On his arrival he was taken to the church ,where the bishops present were not impressed by the scruffy monk the people had brought to them to be ordained as a new bishop. St.Martin  had not given any thought to his appearance. His aim was simply to arrive as quickly as possible to aid and bless the sick man.

Once ordained St.Martin was a holy, compassionate and hard working bishop. He established a system of parishes in his diocese and visited all of them at least once a year. He was deeply committed to his responsibilities, which included missionary work. He travelled around sharing his love of God and helping converts to Christianity set up communities with a priest or a monk. He helped the people of Tours in many different ways, settling disputes, answering questions ,not all of them to do with spiritual concerns. He was dedicated to freeing prisoners and healing, including a young girl who had never spoken.

In 372, having established an abbey in Marmoutier, St.Martin and his many disciples were able to spend time in retreat there, praying and leading a monastic life.

St.Martin died on the 8 of November 397 and was buried on the 11 November – generally recognised as his Feast Day (although some now regard it to be the 12th).

Prayers of and to St.Martin include:

Prayer of St.Martin of Tours

Lord, if Your people still have
need of my services, I will
not avoid the toil, Your will be
done. I have fought the good
fight long enough. Yet if You
bid me to continue to hold
the battle line in defence of Your
camp, I will never beg to be
excused from failing strength.
I will do the work You entrust
to me. While You command,
I will fight beneath Your banner,


St. Martin of Tours
Dear well-beloved Saint,
you were first a soldier
like your father.
Converted to the Church,
you became a soldier of Christ,
a priest and then
a Bishop of Tours.
Lover of the poor,
and model for pagans
and Christians alike,
protect our soldiers at all times.
Make them strong,
just, and charitable, always
aiming at establishing peace
on earth.  Amen
Blessed Saint. You were born
under pagan ways but since your
childhood you were chosen to be
a Prince of the Church and, as
Bishop of Tours, many souls were
redeemed and liberated from
the satanic forces through your
prayers, austerities and blessings.
We humbly ask for your
intercession before Our Lord
Jesus Christ because we want to
be worthy of the grace and
mercy of the Holy Spirit that
lead us from darkness to light
into the eternal kingdom,
forever and ever. Amen

Blessed St Martin of Tours,
obtain for us not only
forgiveness, but also a spirit
of love towards neighbours,
enabling us to be compassionate.

Obtain for us the grace to
love all people as brothers
and sisters with a pure
and disinterested heart

May we, like you, one day
enjoy the blessed vision of
God, forever and ever


The Church Committee of St Martins  is responsible for the financial affairs of the church and the maintenance of its assets, as well as for promoting the mission of the church.

At the 2022 Annual Parochial Church meeting, held at All Saints, the following two reports were given;

one from our Team Vicar

and one from the outgoing Churchwarden of St Martin’s.