August 2021

Cautiously we are emerging from lockdown, and all of us are using our best judgment on how to stay safe and treat others with consideration.

Our church services are slightly different. Masks are discretionary, although some will continue to wear them. We are now able to sing as a congregation, which is lovely. We shall continue for the time being to take communion in the way we have been used to take it, and review this in time.

May I draw your attention to the Hitchin Team evensongs every Sunday in August. I am preaching at the evensong in St Mark’s Hitchin on 15 August.

All Saints St Paul’s Walden is hosting the final evensong on 29 August. Each service is at 6.30, followed by refreshments, and I invite you to make a note of this in your diary. Do come if you can!

And now a request…….

As you may know, new facilities have been added to the church here – a WC and kitchenette – which make it more attractive for wider use. Over the next few weeks, we want to be actively exploring additional uses for the church. My invitation to you is to get in touch with me –

– if you would like to suggest or propose an activity. In this way, St Martin’s can fulfil its role as a community resource, as well as a place of worship and prayer.

Meanwhile, the summer is in full flow. If you are planning to go on holiday, I hope you have a great time. And if not, that time spent at home will be relaxing for you.

With every blessing
