It is wonderful to think of the summer stretching out ahead of us – time going perhaps a little more slowly and spaciously, school holidays giving children a break from their studies, the Proms season once more upon us, and the Ashes exercising a thrilling pull for those of us who like cricket.
Church life, too, settles into a more leisurely pace. Please note that there will be only one service per Sunday, alternating between our two churches in August. It reflects the fact that it is a quieter holiday season.
Making time to reflect, or to sit still in a room, is hugely valuable. Recently I listened to the great pianist Angela Hewitt playing Bach in St Albans Cathedral. Quite apart from the pleasure of listening to the music, there is a liberation that comes from simply sitting still and letting your mind range freely.
In our diocese, ‘Going deeper into God’ is one of our priorities. It is all about cultivating the practice of sitting still in the presence of God, whether in prayer or worship or Bible reading. The idea is that, as we go deeper into God, we discover the God who is within us, the one who sustains us. And as we do so, we discover a freedom that enables us to serve others – which is, of course, as Jesus said, almost the whole of the Christian life.
For the rest, there will as usual be a Holiday Club on August 16th to 18th at the Pavilion on the Rec in Whitwell. I look forward to seeing you there.
Can I wish you all a very happy and reflective summer.
With every blessing