May 2023

The highlight of this month is undoubtedly the Coronation of our new King, Charles III. Celebrations will be enjoyed in our villages, as they will be all over the UK and beyond. For most of us, of course, this will be the first coronation that we have experienced. We will see a blend of the traditional and the new, past and present working organically together as is the way of our constitution.

The Coronation will remind us of the richness of our society and the importance of volunteering. It will be a public display of harmony and goodwill which we must hope may be lasting, amid all the social, economic and political challenges we face.

We are still in the Easter season, a time that tells of light in the darkness, of Jesus present again to his disciples after being brutally put to death. What looked like defeat had become victory – death overcome and new life conferred.

The risen Christ is capable of coming to every single one of us, to help us on our life journey, as the companion of our way.

Please do come and join us in our celebrations at church, both for the coronation and for the wonderful life changing event of Easter. In particular, do note that the service on May 7 to celebrate the Coronation at St Martin’s starts at 9.30 as usual but at All Saints at 10.30, to enable us all to get home in good time for our street parties and other celebrations.

With every blessing,
