September 2017

Rosemead, 61 High Street, Whitwell SG4 8AH.
 01438 871658 or  01462 686808

Dear Friends,

Since the July/August Newsletter we have enjoyed another successful Village Day. I was sorry to miss the event this time but I’m sure we are all very grateful to those who planned the day and those who organised events on the day itself.

During the past week we have had an almost autumnal day of non-stop rain – great for the gardens of course – and some pleasant summer days with an occasional shower. I hope that during the rest of the school holidays we will enjoy some really warm sunny days again.

Today the sun is shining and the sky is blue – just the kind of weather we need for Holiday Club at Whitwell Pavilion on Wed 30 August. Thurs 31 August and Fri 1 September from 10.00am till 12noon. Our theme this year is Jonah and the Whale. For more details please contact the Parish Office or Helen on 01438 871665.

At All Saints’ 11.00am Family Communion on Sunday 3 September we will be featuring some music, words and craft from our Jonah and the Whale Holiday Club.

And on Sunday 17 September at 3.00pm we will be holding an Animal Service in the grounds of St Paul’s Walden Bury. Members of both churches in this parish and the Hitchin Anglican churches are invited to this service. We hope you will come along with your dogs, horses, rabbits etc.

This year our Harvest Festival takes place on Sunday 24 September with the Family Service at 10.00am and our usual Harvest Praise at 6pm. Details about the Harvest Supper and the Auction are on the Harvest card.

I look forward to seeing you at one or more of the services and events coming up.
With my prayers and good wishes to you all.

