Our Holiday Club last month, with children from Preston and Whitwell, and lots of wonderful helpers, reminded us that things were getting back to normal. It was great fun. My thanks to Helen Beavis for organising this.
This month we look forward to a Pet Service on Sunday 19 September at 11.00am at All Saints. We’d hoped to do that last year, but the pandemic stopped it as it did so many other things. I hope to see lots of families there, bringing their pets.
This month also sees the start of a new term, with new possibilities, hopes and excitement after the restrictions of the past year. I am so looking forward to assemblies at the School and to interacting with the children who are so full of enthusiasm.
Meanwhile, amid all the challenges and downsides of the past 18 months, we will continue to do our level best to seek and find the many blessings that we have to be thankful for – which we celebrate week by week in our churches.
With every blessing