On behalf of the Preston Trust committee, very many thanks to the 30 volunteers who very kindly came out to join in our Spring cleaning task, last Saturday morning. It was really heartening to have such a large, cheerful and enthusiastic team, especially in such inclement weather!
With so many pairs of hands available, we managed to clear all the lanes and the footpaths. The litter was the usual muddle of plastic, glass, rubber, metal and cardboard; NHDC have now collected all of this for us. Special thanks to the quartet who raked and collected up all the fallen branches, twigs and twiglets on The Green, and barrowed them over to Wal with his shredder, in front of the Red Lion. It was a very good effort by us all.
Our thanks also to those walkers and dog-walkers who regularly, throughout the year, collect up any litter which they see on their usual walks – this is just ‘good-housekeeping’ for the parish, and is much appreciated. Please continue to report any ‘fly-tipping’ which you see, in the usual way. Our sincere thanks again.
Liz Hunter, Preston Trust committee member