What started off, in the Neighbourhood Plan Survey, as a simple Wordsearch or “Spot the Difference” for the Under 10’s information sheet seems to be growing. Part of this was because members of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group felt that children aged 10 to 90+ years might like to join in the fun.

The result is the Preston Parish Puzzles Pages. (The first one being the tongue twister “Preston Parish Puzzle Pages”.)

A number of different puzzles will be appearing here over the coming days and months. They will vary in difficulty and type – all having some connection to our parish. “Just because Wal or Tim think a puzzle is Harder or Challenging doesn’t mean you will – have a go and tell us what you think!”, Rae

I Like Crows
Spot the Difference with 5 things to find

Our Snowmen
Spot the Difference with 10 things to find

Jigsaw – Village Green in Autumn

preview28 piece

Jigsaw – Scarecrow Number 2

preview15 piece

Things seen around Preston
Wordsearch – 12 words in a 6 by 8 grid, words go across and down

sorry, does not work on touch screens

Some People Connected with Preston
Wordsearch – 14 words in an 11 by 11 grid, words go across and down

sorry, does not work on touch screens

Jigsaw – Post Box on The Green

preview35 piece

How to rotate jigsaw pieces is explained at the bottom of this page

Some places in the Parish

Wordsearch – 22 words in a 16 by 10 grid, words go across, down, diagonal and backwards

sorry, does not work on touch screens

Jigsaw – Red Admiral Butterfly

preview120 piece
Seen on a gravel drive next to Hitchin Road, September 2016

Jigsaw – Village Green in Autumn

preview286 piece

How to rotate jigsaw pieces is explained at the bottom of this page

Hmm, we are still working on these! Have we got any puzzle setters in our parish? Would you like to help us? Please contact us if you would.

About the Jigsaw Puzzles

Clicking the link or picture for jigsaws will take you to a website called Jigsaw Planet, where we have set up our jigsaw puzzles.

For each puzzle we tell you how many pieces it is set for and if it is “with rotation” – by the symbol of the piece being rotated at an angle. Rotation means you will have to turn some of the pieces round to find how they fit. If the we don’t say “with rotation” the pieces are always the right way round.

How to rotate jigsaw pieces

Using a Mouse or Touchpad
  • Select the piece with a left click as though you are going to drag it, then right click to rotate the piece clockwise or hold the Ctrl key down and right click to rotate anticlockwise.
  • Use the scroll wheel on the mouse (some touchpads have a scroll strip which might also work). It is probably easier for you to experiment with which scroll direction turns the piece in which direction than it is to explain.
Using Touch (as on on a tablet or phone)
  • When a piece is dragged or selected using a touch device left and right rotate buttons appear – each time the button is touched it rotates the piece a quarter turn in the direction on the button.

More jigsaw options

At the bottom of the puzzle board you will find a row with useful buttons. Using our own labels to explain what they do, the buttons are:

Ghost provides a faint image of the completed puzzle that you can lay your pieces out over.
Arrange re-arranges the pieces you have not attached yet around the board in one of two different styles.
Settings includes changing the background colour, turning off sounds as well as help – which is actually a User Guide for different devices (PC’s Tablets, Phones, etc).

Disclaimer: The Preston Trust are not responsible for the content or operation of any of the external websites on which we have set up puzzles for you. Please let us know if you find a problem or think something bad has happened to the puzzles we have set up.