Loading the crossword has yet to start.




Find these words in the riddle: {{crosswordData.description}}

Difficulty level {{crosswordData.level+1|localeNumber}}
Word directions: only to the right and down any, including diagonal and backwards
List of words that should be found: visible before found hidden before found

Mark the words:

You have found {{count.solution|localeNumber}} of {{count.words|localeNumber}} words You have found all {{count.words|localeNumber}} words!

  • {{word.fields | joinWord}}

The marked word {{message.word | joinWord}} is not part of the solution.

Congratulation, you have solved the riddle!Congratulation, you have solved the riddle in {{message.time | duration}}!

You have found {{message.solution|localeNumber}} of {{message.words|localeNumber}} hidden words during the alloted time.

Please be patient for the crossword being loaded.

To compose this word search we looked through photographs taken around the parish, making a list of the things we could see. It is a big list! From that list we found twelve that would fit into this 6 by 8 grid. These are some of the photographs in which we saw those twelve.

Is it a bus, is it a car, is there a hedge next to the road – yes and all these words are hidden in the grid somewhere.

Church was a good word to work with when setting this puzzle – lots of other words can cross it, as you can see.

From tiny acorns mighty oak trees grow. This one is growing next to the road at Sootfield Green.

Photographed two years ago. The young man on the swings is taller now and does not need a push anymore.

Not just one rose but lots of them, some even growing up the wall of the house.

However the grid was getting full of words and cow fits – so in it went.

Six legs means its an insect.