October 2024 Services and Readings

Sunday  6th October  10.00am



 All Saints. Joint Service of All Age Communion

Hebrews 1:1-4, 2: 5-12

Mark 10: 2-16

Sunday 13th October  10.00am


All Saints. Joint Service of Harvest Festival Praise

1 Timothy 2: 1-7

Matthew 6: 25-33

Tuesday 15th October    9.40am Informal prayers and quiet time in church followed by coffee
Sunday 20th October  10.00am St Martin’s. Joint Harvest Family Service

2 Corinthians 9: 6-15

Luke 13: 16-30

Sunday 27th October  10.00am All Saints. Joint Service of Holy Communion

Hebrews 7: 33-end

Mark 10: 46-end

Tuesday 29th October   9.40am Informal prayers and quiet time in church followed by coffee

Sunday 3rd November

 9.30am St Martin’s. Joint All Age Communion

Revelation 21: 1-6a

John 11: 32 – 44

Advance Notice:

2 services per Sunday will resume on 10th November for Remembrance Sunday

9.30am at St Martin’s; 10.50am at All Saints