October 2024

Once again, the pet service last month was very popular, held for the first time not outside but in the church because of the weather. And earlier than in previous years, an amazing flower festival on the theme of wedding anniversaries was held at All Saints. My thanks for the many brilliant and imaginative contributions.

Beyond our immediate communities, there seems to be a shortage of hope, whether from a new prime minister who has concentrated on the difficult challenges he faces, or on an international stage blighted by war. But hope is vitally important for all of us, whatever we are going through. Again and again, I revert to the promise of the Bible, and of Christian faith specifically, that we can trust in the goodness of God to hold us in his loving arms.

It takes some doing to hold onto this, but I prefer, with Julian of Norwich, to believe that “All shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well“. Worth repeating to ourselves every day, because it will give us hope. And more than this: every act of kindness which we ourselves perform for others will bring hope as well.

Last of all, can I thank all of you who sent cards and gifts and wished me well as I recover from open-heart surgery. This is hugely appreciated. I am so looking forward to being back taking a service on 3rd November at St Martin’s. Please note it will be at 9.30am.

Every blessing
